DBO Fireteam Builder

Kill Oryx ()
Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Kill Oryx
When:Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)
Creator:Cody Miller

Can we kill him before the reset? We'll need someone to replace Chaos!

RSVPs: (6) Sort by: Type | Date
Cody Miller Hunter (RSVP'd by Cody Miller)
CruelLEGACEY Hunter “I can't start that early tonight. Is midnight EST ok?” (RSVP'd by CruelLEGACEY)
slycrel Warlock (RSVP'd by slycrel)
TheeChaos Hunter “ill be there. I'm thinking someone else on relic ” (RSVP'd by TheeChaos)
DogCowMoof “Just like Slycrel, my wife might kill me, so hopefully it will be short. (Can we start an hour later?)” (RSVP'd by dogcow)
Cyber-KN Titan (RSVP'd by CyberKN)