DBO Fireteam Builder

VoG for NTTE ()
Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 5:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:VoG for NTTE
When:Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 5:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

Trying to kill Atheon for the NTTE quest. I'm posting this as Hard Mode but could do either depending on what people are up for - as long as we kill Atheon, I'm happy.

If anyone else has the quest or is just willing to help with the subsequent missions after Atheon, I'd appreciate it.

RSVPs: (4) Sort by: Type | Date
stabbim Titan (RSVP'd by stabbim)
Lawnmower172 Warlock (RSVP'd by Lawnmower172)
Morpheus414 Warlock “If I remember, I'll be there. Send me a message!” (RSVP'd by Morpheus)
MasterXTP1 (RSVP'd by stabbim)