DBO Fireteam Builder

HBO Team Thanksgiving MCC
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 5:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:HBO Team Thanksgiving MCC
When:Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 5:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

*8 PM Eastern*

I know a lot of the old guard of HBO is here these days. That said, if I can pry you away from Destiny for one night, I'd love to play some Halo with you. Details below.

The holiday ain't gonna save itself, folks.


RSVPs: (4) Sort by: Type | Date
Revenant1988 (Any) “I don't care what your light is. Bring your best set of Mjölnir.” (RSVP'd by Revenant1988)
Gnrl Vagueness (Any) “Will Mark VI do?” (RSVP'd by General Vagueness)
bluerunner (RSVP'd by bluerunner)
funkmon “I'd play, but already got shit going on at 9. If this can move up an hour, that'd be swell.” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by Funkmon)