DBO Fireteam Builder

Shield Brothers (Chaperone) ()
Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Shield Brothers (Chaperone)
When:Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

This is for the special Shield Brothers strike in the Chaperone quest. Time is very flexible, but I'd like to get it done sometime tonight so that it's before the weekly reset.

RSVPs: (4) Sort by: Type | Date
stabbim Hunter (RSVP'd by stabbim)
Morpheus414 Warlock “Me too. God help us all. ” (RSVP'd by Morpheus)
Kugamunga Warlock “I need to do this as well.” (RSVP'd by Kuga)
Lawnmower172 Warlock “I'm not ready for this step, so I'll back out for Kuga” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by Lawnmower172)