
*OT* raid reminiscing... (Off-Topic)

by slycrel ⌂, Monday, July 04, 2016, 15:58 (2874 days ago) @ Kahzgul

You may be correct that those were the intended party sizes and levels. Have a look at patch notes from here, at the bottom, 1.3.0: "Capped at 15 players." and then 1.10.0 "Capped at 10 players". LBRS was the same instance back then and could be run with that size of group as well if desired. In the early days I often went in with "raid" groups in search of blues to get geared for the 40 man raids.

Regardless, I was speaking of smaller team "raid" instances as that's what's more applicable to destiny raid design. You're right that the 40 man raids had some awesome things in them and are also worth a look.

Getting the seal of ascension to even open the door to the UBRS portion of the instance was a pretty epic quest in and of itself. The sheer scope of what was attempted with these places was amazing and showed what was and is possible in MMOs. Unfortunately everything has been skewed down to be basically loot runs, with fetch quests thrown in. Certainly in destiny, and I suspect in current WoW as well. Those early 40 man raids were similar to what we've seen in destiny, in style if not in scope... I think it's a shame, and was pointing out an alternate direction of what could be done instead.

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