The King is dead! Finally... (Destiny)

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 03:04 (2852 days ago) @ Oholiab

Thanks to the Xbone crew for the Oryx checkpoint run tonight. Junior and I had yet to finish him off in hard mode, let alone do the challenge. Aside from the usual fails at the beginning, we seemed to get into a good rhythm despite many of us not having played together.

To complete that raid is really satisfying, given all the mechanics involved. That said, it's also incredibly time consuming and demanding of near-perfect teamwork - so much so that it just wears me out. I'm happy to have completed the challenge, but I think that will be my last run (except that I need to find a calcified fragment in a hallway that I somehow missed in my other run throughs...)

I don't feel this way about the other raids. VoG is still fun and doesn't feel laborious. Crota did get kinda boring in my opinion, but it always made for a relaxing time. King's Fall just takes it out of me.

Anyway, my youngest Guardian has yet to run it and is asking me to make it happen. I think I'll let Junior sherpa him this time around. Look for a fireteam event in the near future!

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