
Alpha Lupi / Music of the Spheres! *OMG IMGs*

by roland ⌂ @, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 09:53 (3959 days ago) @ Ragashingo
edited by roland, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 10:31

Perhaps this has been obvious to everyone all along or came out of the Alpha Lupi analysis, but Ragashingo's post made something very clear to me...

Before I begin though, you should watch the Ronut video. If you have not, the summary of the Ronut video is that it shows the Traveler infusing all the worlds in our solar system with "Space Magic", effectively turning them from the worlds we know in real life into the worlds we will get to know in Destiny (magically altered to support life, oceans, etc.).

I was randomly browsing the images in my dropbox folder when I came across the (low quality version) of the upcoming Music of the Spheres disc art.


For some reason the thing that I had overlooked a dozen times hit me square in the forehead. Remember the big Alpha Lupi desktop background with the mysterious writings?

Well watch this:


This is either referencing the Traveler or our Sun ... it's unclear to me. The Sun could be seen as the "voice" of our solar system, moving " ... inside larger winds" which could refer to solar wind. The statement that "Only the trusted few can absorb what is necessary" sounds like it is in reference to the Traveler though, and reminds me of the Warlock harnessing the power of the Traveler.


This is clearly referencing the planet Mercury. "One side is blistered, the other plunged into a brutal chill..."

It's really interesting that this text is referencing hot oceans and nourishing atmosphere as something "you remember". This is definitely not the way we know and love Mercury today. So by giving Mercury these things did the Traveler actually RESTORE it to its former glory? Or is this just what we remember Mercury as being like, post-Traveler infused space magic?


This is Venus. "... high acid clouds ... sunlight is starved" As we know Venus today, it has a thick atmosphere of sulphuric acid clouds. The text that precedes this, "You see ruin emerging from where it has always been..." and that follows, "... will this world's second birth be its finest?" strongly implies that Venus was not always the barran and inhospitable world we know today. This suggests the Traveler came and restored Venus to it's original ocean-filled, hospitable state.


A rose is typically red. The red rock, dead valleys. This is clearly Mars. Ancient volcanoes, yes, Mars has those in spades. Fossil ocean of ice, check; geysers erupting, check. This is clearly referring to Mars.


"Even the largest body...." = Jupiter. "... half-born sun ripped by storms and supersonic wind." = Jupiter. I'm confused by the statement, "You built homes of ocean laid over stone, giant and tiny ... " Does this mean we built homes in the clouds of Jupiter?


I think this is Europa, but it could be referring to Jupiter's moon Io (which is being ripped apart by "plasmas and radiation"). Europa has an ocean of water underneath it's surface, which could be the "blaze" sitting "inside a nest of little worlds...." Where the nest of little worlds refers to Jupiters 30+ moons.

Yeah. They match up. But we've got some stuff left over! Two of the songs and one of the writings from Alpha Lupi don't match up, or at least not as obviously.

[image][image] [image]

As the name of the image file shows, this is referring to Saturn.

Very interesting stuff!

Speculative conclusion:

So, the Ronut video showed the Traveler "changing" all of the planets and worlds in our solar system. But when you take that with the statements from the Alpha Lupi ARG that Ragashingo has shown, and the statement about Venus' "ruin returning to where it has always been", it seems that perhaps the Traveler may have actually been restoring all the planets/worlds in our solar system to their original states. Maybe now that the Traveler is no longer the glowy-pulsating ball that we saw him/her as in the Ronut video, all the planets/worlds we will get to play in Destiny are currently reverting back to the states that we know them in (like they are in our real solar system).

The cool thing is that this implies that in the fiction of Destiny, all the planets we play on will be as they originally were. The Traveler "restored" them with space-magic, but now they are back to a state of decay and are turning inhospitable.


EDIT: For clarity...

Part One - Planets as we know 'em
Part Two - Traveler infuses them with space magic, turns them into what we will play in Destiny
Part Three - Traveler goes into hibernation above the City, planets are decaying back to their original state

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