
So, I Tried The Doom Demo... (Gaming)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, November 28, 2016, 04:04 (2726 days ago) @ Morpheus

Heh, none of that is really a spoiler for anyone who played the old DOOM games. Running fast all the time (as opposed to having a specific sprint function), not having to reload, that was simply how the old games WERE. Those things weren't cheats back then, it was just the normal state of things.

If you've never played the originals, DOOM 1 and 2 are downloadable 360 games. I honestly think I'd say to play those first. They're probably cheaper, and deliver much the same feeling.

That's actually the appeal, for those of us who loved the old games - this one FEELS like DOOM. Sure, there are a lot of new mechanics, but the basic flow of combat feels right. Strafing around enemies to dodge fire as opposed to taking cover, systems that reward frenetic and fast play rather than careful plodding. This version of DOOM is the first thing I've played since the originals that has successfully reproduced it.

BTW, X does have a function. It swaps to a specific weapon that isn't in the demo.

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