
McFarlane Toys - Toy Fair Booth Visit and Interview Notes (Destiny)

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Sunday, February 19, 2017, 02:51 (2962 days ago)

I had the great pleasure of being able to stop by the McFarlane Booth today at Toy Fair to get a first look at the up coming Action figures and Replica Props. Let me just start of by saying that I was blown away with the quality of the figures and the prop Gjallarhorn. Destiny is in good hands with McFarlane Toys.

I was able to talk with the Chris who is the brand manager of the Destiny Line. It was obvious that he is not only a fan of the product they are producing but is also an avid Destiny player. The shear excitement he had when talking about these upcoming releases was extremely encouraging.

Let's just get down to business here. Please note that all of the items below are subject to change since they are still in prototype form.

Booth Visit Photos

Iron Gjallarhorn

Iron Gjallarhorn is a replica prop piece. This means it's full size and will be great for anyone looking add to their cosplay outfits. Heck this thing would look great just mounted on a wall. It's massive and completely awesome looking. They stated that the final piece should still be light enough for someone to be able to carry all day without getting fatigued.

The design of the product is meant to be broken down into three parts which will not only allow for easier packaging/shipping, but it is also meant to replicate the journey players take in the Rise of Iron to recreate the Gjallarhorn from the schematics we find in our mission to rebuild it.

There is currently an orange tip on the Gjallarhorn but they are hoping to be able to remove this by the time the finished product is released. Due to legalities in some states they may have to keep the orange safety tip on the barrel.

One extremely cool feature is that they are planning on including an onboard speaker that will play the following sounds in order.

1. Aiming sound
2. Target lock sound
3. Launch sound
4. Explosion/Wolf-Pack Rounds

They are shooting for an MSRP of $149.99 with a Fall 2017 Release Date

10" Lord Saladin Deluxe Action Figure

Saladin is set to launch in Fall 2017 at and MSRP of $34.99

The figure is very much in the prototype stage and they are looking at a couple of different options for the final release. Saladin was shown wearing his cloak and helm in the posed piece but from our discussion there is a chance that the cloak will not end up in the final release.

Saladin is shown carrying his Axe but also has a Jolder's Hammer strapped to his back. There's the potential for the Saladin figure to have an alternate set of hands to hold the Jolder's Hammer instead of the Axe.

Another interesting feature is that they had an alternate head on display for this figure. They showed Saladin's head without his helmet on.

7" "Iron Banner" Hunter

The Hunter figure is set to release in July 2017 nationwide to retailers that stock McFarlane figures. The price point is $19.99 for these figures.

The hunter is shown with the full year 2 Iron Banner outfit. The sculpting of this figure looked spot on to the in game armor. If you are a fan of the wolf head cloak then you should get really excited. The figures look incredible in person and the details are spot on. Definitely excited for this figure since I main a Hunter.

The hunter will come with the starter "Generalist" Shell for the Ghost. The weapons that will be included are a Dead Orbit Hung Jury scout rifle and the infamous Thorn. Thorn will be exclusive to this figure as it's meant to attach to the leg of the hunter when using another weapon.

7" "King's Fall" Warlock

The warlock figure is set to release in July 2017 with the rest of the first wave of figures at the price of $19.99

The Warlock figure is shown in full King's Fall gear including the Touch of Malice scout rifle which will be exclusive to the Warlock figure. The Warlock also comes with what looked like a Black Spindle sniper rifle and the "Iron" Shell for the ghost.

They stated that one of the items that they really had to take into consideration on the Warlock was the material used for the chest piece. Since the Warlocks robes typically extend down to mid-calf they had to use a different type of vinyl that allowed for flexibility of the piece in order to be able to take advantage of the full articulation of the piece.

Overall the warlock looked great in person!

7" "Vault of Glass" Titan

This is by far my favorite set of raid armor for the Titan so I was very happy to see that they picked this set for the Titan figure.

Like the others in wave 1, they will release in July 2017 with an MSRP of $19.99.

The Titan figure will include a Year 1 Gjallarhorn, Invective and the Vanguard Ghost Shell.

Deluxe ~12" Gjallarwing Sparrow

The Gjallarwing Sparrow is set to release during the Holiday season in 2017. The figure will be included in the Deluxe lineup which retails at $34.99.

The sparrow is sized to be able to fit a regular 7" figure on it if you want to pose your figures on the sparrow.

The base design is set around the "Iron Gjallarwing" sparrow. I asked about a variant for the for regular Gjallarwing sparrow and they stated that this very unlikely to happen.

General Discussion about the line

* They are already planning on a series 2 for the figures, not ETA on them currently.
* The figures include 14-points of articulation to allow for a fully posable figure. This includes movable hips/waist and will keep from having the rigid statue like figures in the past.
* No plans for any accessory packs currently like they did for the Halo series
* They could not confirm or deny any retailer exclusive variants. With McFarlane's history I would think we will see at least a few variants. This could be either armor/weapon swaps, or something as simple as a shader variant.
* I asked about swords being included and there are none currently planned. But that is one item they had discussed about including at one point.
* The design/marketing team have a passion for this game and will treat it right.
* The box designs are already approved so they will be going the box route instead of the carded style of packaging they have used on other figures.
* The idle hands early press release about Destiny 2 figures was meant to read as series/wave 2, not Destiny 2

I'm probably forgetting some items, but I wanted to share what I saw.

Non-McFarlane Destiny Items

* The Coop has some great looking pieces in the works. Take a look at their stuff to get a sense of what all they produce. They make some awesome Halo stuff if you want to get a idea of what is coming. I couldn't take photos since they are still very early in the prototype stage and have not been approved for production.
* Just Funky has the license for making some 3d molded mugs, fleece blankets, glasses/hydration products. There should be some cool items in the works
* Trends International will be releasing calendars again along with a few other items


* McFarlane is doing some awesome things with the Destiny License
* The figures and replica props are looking to shape up to be some awesome pieces for the price point they are aiming for.
* Like all collectibles, buying from retailers (not just online) will continue to help grow the product offerings by incentivizing retailers to get their own exclusives.
* McFarlane employees are designing stuff they love since they are not just designers, but also avid players of Destiny.
* Booth Visit Photos

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