
In a way, it's a more honest trailer than most. (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Thursday, March 30, 2017, 15:55 (2582 days ago) @ ManKitten

I like your thought and agree with it. It's a video game, so promote what makes the game fun. I'm always talking about how much I loved the Halo 3 promotion, but it was pretty gloomy. It made me excited for the story...not so much the game. I suppose since the Destiny story is arguably non-existent, focusing on gameplay is the smart option.

Since I couldn't understand what Zavala called the bad guy, I will forever call him Gary.

Gaul or something... but yes, Gary!

And yeah, these advertisements feel more like a reaction to what shined in Destiny - what it became- instead of setting up impossible-to-satisfy hype like most big games try to do (and at least for me, what Bungie has done in the past).

I of course still hope the beat of the campaign is significantly improved and we get a little more of what was great in the Grimoire integrated into the actual storylines, but in a way, I'd rather have an honest, light-hearted trailer like this one as opposed to say, trailers that are better than the game itself. *Cough-Cough-Halo2-Cough-Cough* ;)

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