
The emote display is just a distraction (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, September 16, 2017, 12:39 (2422 days ago) @ CougRon

did you notice that when it shows you each players emote it also displays every weapon they have equipped? I know many players were obsessive about knowing what the other team had. Now with locked loadouts you are told right up front and are told everything without frantically trying to inspect each player and wondering if they switched it mid match. Youre able to see it and plan out your strategy for how you might have to deal with it. I'm no good at Trials so it doesnt matter to me what weapons I'm getting killed with before I even have time to pull the trigger but I know those who obsess over it. The emote display is just an excuse for displaying all the other stuff.

Yeah, I appreciate the thought behind the intro, but it's just way too long. They could show a group shot of each team with their loadouts displayed all at once, rather than going through every player 1 by 1. Or they could just skip it entirely. If I care about my opponents loadouts, I can check during the loading screen. As it stands now, its a lot to wait through at the start of every single match IMO.

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