
I have a question (Destiny)

by zumphry ⌂ @, Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 16:26 (2419 days ago) @ Kermit

Clan rewards are, by definition, earned by all clan members based on the actions of some clan members. You can't say that they aren't earned.

Yeah, as someone who "earned" the engram by beating the raid, I'm relieved and happily surprised the clan engram is still able to be claimed, especially since we made sure to have at least half of the team be DBO. Was slightly bitter to finally beat the raid and think we'd be the only ones to get anything due to finishing so close to the weekly reset — the other team(s) banged their heads against the same wall we did, too.

We're all in the same clan, we help each other all the time (heck, our team's lineup can attest to this), why shouldn't the other people get an engram? Frankly, not to get too political, things would be better if we shared resources communally more.

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