
Crystal Quest, Specter!?! (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 12:09 (2258 days ago) @ dogcow

Ah the nostalgia is strong within me.

Airborne and Art of War are some of the first games I ever played.

Likewise, much nostalgia. I spent so much time on Dark Castle. I see many titles that I had forgotten about. Stunt Copter? How many hours did I waste on that as a kid? Amazing, Glider Pro, and Airborne too (if it's what I recall). Crystal Quest, my older brother coded a game called "Space Junk" that was inspired by Crystal Quest. Good times.

The house editor in Glider Pro was awesome. A friend and I would craft impossible houses for each other to conquer. They just kept getting larger and larger. I think they were bigger than slumberland by the end.

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