
Sounds great, but why more grinding? (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 16:26 (2222 days ago) @ Korny

Okay, this sounds way more cynical than I want. Almost all of the new stuff they're adding sounds awesome and welcome to my ears. The only thing I'm frustrated by is the conversation about leveling too easily. That was the best part of Destiny 2. It was not difficult to play the endgame. Not to sound too much like Cody here, but the way to lengthen the game isn't to make it take longer to get stuff arbitrarily. Rather, you should make it take longer to get stuff by adding more content so that there's more stuff worth getting to get. Maybe it will play out differently, but I hope I can still bring a non fully-leveled character to endgame content and feel like I have a shot.

All that being said, I love what they're doing to exotics and crucible maps. Those are big wins in my book.

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