Once again, Skill Up's thoughts are pretty great. (Destiny)

by EffortlessFury @, Wednesday, June 06, 2018, 10:22 (2183 days ago) @ Korny

-How much are you willing to pay to get the game that you should have received at launch? "Forsaken is a retreat to the best parts of Destiny 1", as he puts it (a lot of it has to do with general changes that will affect everyone, even those without the DLC).

So if it affects everyone regardless of whether they buy the new expansion are not, what are you paying to get the game you should have received at launch? Nothing extra.

-Bungie continues to embrace player-unfriendly practices, and the Year 2 season pass is yet another example of that. (All of the promised content in the $35 season pass is stuff that the Live Team gave us for free, from SRL to Age of Triumph, with the understanding that Eververse was paying for that. Bungie is clearly trying to make up for poor Microtransaction sales by asking players for a chunk of change up front to continue to get what we were supposed to be getting from a Live Service game, while still refusing to phase out Destiny's Eververse prominence.)

Well, they tried the microtransaction subsidized model, but the backlash against them across the industry has obviously impacted that strategy. Someone has to pay those bills.

-The Annual Pass content should be stuff that we get in addition to DLC like Warmind, not in lieu of. (Despite having four studios working on the game, we were pretty explicitly told to lower our expectations for Year 2. If you recall noclip's interview with Rebecca Ford on Community Management, she pointed out that this approach is a huge misstep for a developer with a live game. Scrapping big content releases in favor of trickling out content over a longer period will not build or sustain your playerbase. You have to do both.
Rewatching DeeJ pitch the weaker-but-same-price Season Pass was just as painful as the first time that he stumbled through it. You're not fooling people, man...)

Completely disagree. I came to the realization that these small DLC launches are just not worth the money they invest in them. They usually feel a bit lackluster and hollow, because for whatever reason (justifiable or otherwise), they just can't churn out quality mainline content in that short of a period.

Give me a large content release once per year that has major story advancement and well thoughout plot and progression. Keep me around throughout the year with minor content releases like new strikes, new quests, new adventures, new events. Slowly progress the story and the world through minor drops leading up to the next big thing.

-Bungie shouldn't be forcing that you buy Curse of Osiris in order to buy Forsaken. Given the situation that Bungie has put themselves in, it's a lot to ask (as he puts it, Value is relative, but Bungie's goodwill bank is empty).

That's how it was with D1, that's how it is for WoW, that's how it is. It's a progression of content that you follow. You shouldn't be able to skip entire chunks of content in the game to go to later content.

-But the Expansion itself looks great, and easily worth the $40 asking price if it's anything like The Taken King. (I'm still cautious, because this is the same Bungie that hyped up Lost Sectors, Guided Games, and 4v4 as gamechangers.

I think the expansion will definitely be worth it. I'm interested to see what the Annual Pass gets you vs. what everyone gets. Reserving judgement on the worth of that pass until then.

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