Resonance stems not dropping (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, June 08, 2018, 09:46 (2181 days ago) @ Malagate

Radiolarian Cultures mostly drop in Public Events (any planet, if you actively need them). Paradox Amplifiers drop in Strikes, and Crucible. Hermaion Blossoms drop in Strikes (including Nightfalls) and Trials matches.

Right, sorry I wasn't clear. I play a fair amount of Crucible, but they hadn't seemed to drop for me prior to starting Lost Prophecies. Seemed strange (or at least like I'd activated some modifier to the loot pool) to see advanced mats drop IMMEDIATELY after the first match in CRU.

Ah. Yeah, Bungie set 'em up to be exactly as useful as they needed to be. They don't drop unless you're doing the quests, and as soon as you finish the quests, they stop dropping again. It's great. ;)

Damn, I wish the trap were still steel. :(

Haha, don't sell yourself short. Little Brill-o and you're good.

Instructions unclear. Forehead bleeding now.

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