
E3 sales are starting in earnest now. (Xbox) (Gaming)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, June 08, 2018, 13:39 (2159 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Man, I feel the opppsite. I thought that trailer was great, and perfectly encapsulates what playing a Battlefield game feels like. And I love the aesthetic. I’d love to see the ragtag band of resistance fighters story, historical accuracy be damned.

I'm totally fine with the lack of historical accuracy in multiplayer, that doesn't bother me in the least. I just really prefer the trailers for BF1 that showed how harrowing the war was while still giving glimpses into the stuff that's going to be in the game. This felt much more "War is fun!" which to me is a weird way to introduce a game where they say they are going to put in dramatic stories about WWII. I think if this had been the 2nd or 3rd trailer I would've been a lot more okay with it.

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