
Well, I'll Be Damned! (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 00:02 (2115 days ago)

Just. In. Time.


The crazy thing is, I managed to overcome my own skepticism completely by accident. After Fantom and Biz helped me with the Rare Rekindled Armor Remix missions and I got my 400 Legendary Resplendent pieces(which I notice don't have Remix mission requisites, to which I owe an apology), I tried to infuse them to increase my own base power. To my chagrin, it didn't work. (Bungie, just....)

However, some good came out of it; as it raised my level pretty high as it is—high enough to cross the 380 threshold and get rewards of that LL from normal events! So while playing to earn more 380 gear, I indirectly masterworked the bracelet for my Solstice armor, earning another Solstice bounty finished. With it, my points ended up at 295, right below the Sparrow line. The only bounty I could reasonably complete was the Region Chest quest. So I buckled down, got all the chests I needed, and nailed just enough points to get the Sparrow! Since I passed the shirt thing, I might buy another one--I don't know if they'll let me use the code after the event though. But either way I got the beautiful Solstice sparrow and got a good 30 light levels higher in the process. Not bad for a dissenter Warlock!



by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 06:38 (2114 days ago) @ Morpheus

I'm glad you were able to get there.

Well, I'll Be Damned!

by Fantom ⌂, Chicago, Illinois, Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 16:54 (2114 days ago) @ Morpheus


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