
Heh...okay. (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Sunday, December 23, 2018, 01:04 (1974 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Lol. I'm not going to go too deep down the trail of "it actually takes skill" but I will say that it behaves exactly like many of the other supers.


Where did you get the impression that it should take a certain number of blades to get a kill?

Because it takes a certain number of Dawnblades to get a kill. Because it takes a certain number of Bladedancer hits to kill. Because it takes a certain number of Hammers to kill! A certain number of shots to kill a tethered enemy--unless the Shadowshot hits dead on, but the reticle has to be red for that. A certain number of Arc blade hits, Shield hits, something!! A Super is supposed to make a job easier, not do it for you. If something can track that relentlessly, has a rate of fire faster than most shotguns, and live real-time error correction, they should not kill in one single blade. And they damn sure aren't supposed to kill in ZERO BLADES. Running around corners or jumping high in the air well ahead of time, and blades that hit the dirt STILL kill you?

A titan's roaming fist of havoc can kill many enemies without using more than half the super.

True, I'm 100% with you on that--I hate Titans! I've been complaining to get Fist of Panic outright removed since Destiny 1. Bungie of course made it stronger, then added a Superman supertracking portable version of it(nice job, guys). But if nothing else...it still has to recharge after it's finished.

The explosion of a nova bomb has after effect explosions that kill people that may not have been in the area.

If they use Attunement of Hunger. And if the opponent has no shield. And if it lasts long enough for them to walk through it. Or if it lasts long enough for them to get killed by it. But under all that...it still has to charge.

Hell, I've been hit by a titan shield that bounced off of someone else and hit me.

Unfortunately, as bullshit as it is, that's by design. That's why they call it the Captain America super. It bounces off walls, ceilings and players like that damn Sonic Spinball. That narrow little staircase area in Pacifica? Eight wall bounces before finding me. 8.

If you think that titan aimed at me, you're kidding yourself.

Oh, he didn't. I know he didn't. You didn't give him a chance. You didn't give any of them a chance. The only people who had a half second to aim and/or fire were the two people who literally just spawned behind you. Segueing into...

With the tether super you start the animation and can then move your perspective for the few seconds it takes to charge up and actually fire. You say I didn't know they were there. I did. Like a gunslinger who charges up before going around the corner, I started the animation when I saw their ping, and then turned around by the time I released it.


That street alleyway is very shady, and usually hinders visibility. That's why snipers camp(ed) there during Trials. Going through every single frame, I saw no muzzle flash, no visible body, no gamertag or health bar. The only thing I saw when you twirled your reticle/screen in a small circle as you fired up your animation(after you turned, by the way) was a number of damage points that was quickly covered up by a list of the people you killed. I thought to myself "That doesn't make any sense--even if one person couldn't be seen, two people had to be, right?" After combing through the frames a couple more times, I finally figured it out.

'The only people who were aiming at you were the two who literally just spawned behind you.'

No. One.

The second person was directly underneath you. CONE.

But hey, screw it. I'll go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't know what was going through your mind, I only have the action and the reaction, so I don't know. So you knew where they were. Fine.

But if that second throw right there isn't enough to convince you of the Blade Barrage's field of view, then the third one--four seconds later--is the straight up holy testimonial. Search in that folder for frame 410(interestingly close enough to my birthday!) You may or may not have meant to, but you soared over him. And at frame four one zero, when those blades were first released, he was so far underneath that he was behind you.








The only cone needed is a big plastic one around a Gunslinger's neck.

(It took two games tonight alone since I started typing to get this perfect example. Two.)

Yeah, the tracking is strong, but the third person perspective makes it a bit tricky.

You're damn right, it's tricky:


A Gunslinger can perform all kinds of tricks with this Super. And that's without a six-shot golden gun.

This particular piece of armor in this particular play mode is a bit wonky, but the actual behavior of the super in normal circumstances is fairly in line with the lethality/utility of other supers. The piece that's broken is its ability to chain indefinitely in this one unique mode.

And as for this paragraph, that's only because Mayhem is up right now; Destiny 2's most popular playlist and the fastest way to get Essence of Dawning. How many days will it be before a thread shows up on r/DestinyTheGame with the perfect Exotic armor/weapon combo to replicate this exact crap in Competitive Valor? How many hours!?



No, no, no, no...

POST EDIT:Oh, and for the record, not that that was entirely your fault, but after watching that clip 42 times, I couldn't help but notice something. All seven of your kills from that one spree were off of the same three people.

Ladies and gentlemen, the creators of Halo.

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