
speaking of.... (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, January 24, 2019, 18:26 (1926 days ago) @ Kermit

So what are you thinking about Cyberpunk 2077? I read statements like the above from you, and I'm very encouraged.

It's hard to know. We haven't seen enough of it. But they did put out that like 40 minute walk through of an early mission that journalists saw at E3 last year, and it looks really great.

I always get a little anxious when developers start to talk about freedom of exploration and variety and options for tackling things different ways and consequences, etc, because it's so hard to pull off. And CDPR hasn't really done anything like that. The Witcher 3 was smart in that it had some really great choices that affected important things in the world, but they've never done anything as complex as what they seem to be claiming for Cyberpunk.

If they can actually do what they say (and I'm inclined to think they can), this might shape up to be the Deus Ex sequel Cody always wanted. They're touting multiple approaches for every mission in the game, with far-reaching consequences for how you choose to tackle things depending on who you work for, who you piss off, etc.

I'm definitely interested to see if they can pull it off.

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