
Finally Forging (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, January 27, 2019, 08:06 (1928 days ago) @ Vortech

I also think Fast Travel was a big mistake. It’s probably at least partly why I like D2’s Destinations less—I’m not as familiar with them because I fast travel. That’s why I love the Dreaming City. Instead of fast traveling from the map screen, they built fast travel into the actual space with the portals, which require you to actually know the map to utilize well.

However, I don’t think launching Forges from orbit is necessarily a bad idea. Landing, sparrowing for 30 seconds, then launching the Forge to get kicked into matchmaking and another load is really stupid design. Every other match made activity can be launched from orbit, why not this one?

It makes me wonder if they need to re-evaluate the way Destiny is designed. Other than the Dreaming City, patrol spaces feel outdated and under-utilized. The game is designed to intentionally force you into patrol spaces with all the random quest steps that make you go there to do pointless shit. I personally don’t mind that, and even enjoy a lot of it, but I don’t think that’s the case for most people. It feels like most folks only go into Patrol to do the flashpoint or to do quest steps that force them there.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it feels like Bungie really needs to find a way to make Patrols and the actual Destonation spaces more relevant once players hit the end game. The Dreaming City does a pretty good job in that the weekly powerful engrams for that Destination basically just require you to do a bunch of stuff there in a way that feels very natural. The Spider bounties work well for that too, but I don’t really see anyone land on a planet for a Spider bounty and get sidetracked by a public event or anything. They just rush to the bounty then leave when they’re done. Everyone mostly just does the flashpoint in the most efficient way possible, too. I hope they can find a way to make landing on a Destonation and just screwing around, doing patrols or public events, feel like it’s not a complete waste of time if you’re beyond the soft cap. Maybe every Destonation needs a Dreaming City like bounty system that just requires you to be there and do stuff for powerful rewards. Hell, maybe that’s what the Flashpoint should be instead of the “grind a few heroic adventures and then leave” flashpoints we have now.

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