
Holy Balls. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, January 28, 2019, 07:00 (1927 days ago) @ ManKitten

Now I want twice as many hammers!! Also, I want them to do more damage.

Uh...screw you and your hammers with their splash damage. If anything, the golden gun will at least be a viable option instead of a waste of time joke super.

And yet, I lose to Golden gun every time :)

In PvP, I don't stand a chance. In PvE it does more damage with the exotic.

On the same note, it's time to amp up the throwing knife too, since you knucklehead Titans got the shoulder charge back.

I agree the knife needs a buff (not a 1 hit kill buff). I don't agree that shoulder charge is all it's made to be. In D1 it was OP because there was nothing to counter it. Now, everyone has ways to stop it, also it can only be used once every 45 seconds if you manage to get a kill.

Meh, all I know is that Shoulder charge is a death sentence whenever I use it in PvP. It's fun in PvE. If knives get a OHK mechanic in PvP I'm just going to give up on PvP. The reason I say this is because in my mind, there is no risk to throwing a knife, there is a skill mechanic for sure but no risk. Shoulder charge is incredibly risky.

Hashtag Hunters4Life

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