Further studies of the rotation *IMG* (Destiny)

by Destiny Updates ⌂, Friday, October 18, 2013, 18:48 (3849 days ago) @ ZackDark

So, adding up so far, the rotation observed in the vidoc could be attributed to:

  • Libration
  • Location of observation (along with time of day)
  • Not-so-perfect tidal lock

However, also bound to the not-quite-tidally-locked, along with the fact that over time the Moon does show more of its far side, is the fact that it's getting farther away. So, to achieve a rotation of over 20 degrees (best-case scenario, if you take my other photo as reference), it would take a LOT of years, but the Moon wouldn't be as close to Earth as shown.

So, yeah, I'd attribute it to slight oversight. I hope they either 'fix' it or make it into an even more awesome story. :)

Nice job breaking all that down! I remember in one Mail Sack, someone said that one of the most interesting things he had to do for work, was learn about Phobos' decaying orbit, so they are obviously looking into these things. We'll see how Bungie handles it :)

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