
Isn't the Moon's composition very much like Earth's? (Destiny)

by Durandal, Monday, October 21, 2013, 14:57 (3887 days ago) @ ZackDark

The moon doesn't have much of the heavier elements. Those all dropped to Earth when the collision between earth and another mars sized body created the moon. The moon itself is mostly oxygen, silicon, magnesium and a little bit of iron. The surface is fragmented and it only really becomes a solid mantle six miles down.

To refit the moon to hold an atmosphere would require increasing its gravity, which is foolish given the proximity to Earth. Right now it is slowly drifting away from Earth, but an increase in gravitational pull would reverse that, leading to a slow yet inexorable doom for us.

The more likely scenario is to craft a weak lunar shield that holds gasses in.

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