
Whoa there (Off-Topic)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, December 20, 2019, 12:31 (1596 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

So to answer this question, I guess those questions were both serious and rhetorical at the same time based on if you wanted to answer them :D

Fab! I'll give it a whirl. My answers are very specific to myself and my community. They likely won't work well on a macro level.

Are you for social shaming?

Social shame has it's place. Ideally it would help those being shamed into understanding why they are being shamed and perhaps adjust their behavior. That said, if there is contrition, those doing the shaming have the obligation to hammer out some kind arrangement so people can live together without perhaps agreeing on everything.

Outcasting by societal vote?

Outcasting should be an incredibly rare occurrence but be so obviously required something like a vote is superfluous.

Who determines what is good? What is bad? Social majority?

Each individual according to their conscience. Figuring out how to then live with others is the trick of course and it depends on so much I don't really know where to begin at the moment.

Who enforces punishment if someone breaks what society thinks is right? Do you even punish them?

At the level I'm describing it's up to the individuals and community involved.

So on the level you are talking about, I agree with it all. But as you mentioned, this works in our own personal community. But that community exists because you all most likely agree on a set of moral codes, otherwise you probably wouldn't be a community. Family, being a bit different.

In my mind, this all breaks down when you start adding in other communities that have different moral codes. It's when people are of the mind that their moral code is absolute that I just can't stand. Nothing that humans do is absolute or perfect.

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