
Still the village idiot... (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, October 06, 2022, 13:25 (614 days ago) @ ManKitten

Sheesh. I just plug mods in if they match my play style. I never know what's going on in this game :P

The TL;DR is that all this stuff, elements and what not, are just for making builds that work in line with your subclass and (often) matching weapon element.

If that's too much, but you still want to give the system a go, there's always sites like https://guardianforge.net/ if you'd like to click around, or D.I.M (which is how I make most of my builds) if you'd like to risk digging in and see what you can pull off.

As D.I.M is what I use, I can present...


For example: https://dim.gg/kegfzpq/A-Very-Very-Basic-Starter-Point-for-ManKitten

As far as I am aware, this link is temporary, as I'm hosting it on my account. Can't guarantee how long I'll be keeping it there. For the link to work, you'll need to be signed in to D.I.M .

When you click the link, you'll see... (click the image to "embiggen")

A Very Very Basic Starter Point for ManKitten
Some Starter "Bones" of a Build for a Hunter. Currently Requires one armor piece with a "Stasis" Energy (I recommend a cape). With this bare bones load out (which can have more added), every stasis shard will also give you a boost in your super recharge rate, will boost the damage of every stasis weapon by 10 seconds (or so), and will give you a "light" stack. Said light stack will also boost your weapon damage, costing 1 stack "of light" per kill.


Click the button. I expect you'll be fine either way, so I'm not going to stress over it.

Provided you're logged in to D.I.M, it should open up and show you...


The difference being that the Mask of Bakris will be grayed out, as you do not have MY Mask of Bakris. Click it so that you can swap to the one you have.

Once you save the load out, you can select it whenever you want in your D.I.M menu.

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