
B.O MM Preview Night and prizes. (Recruitment)

by Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316) ⌂ @, Detroit, Thursday, February 27, 2014, 17:10 (3729 days ago) @ Revenant1988

A night, where you preview!

On Saturday, March 1st, we'll be holding a preview night where you can come and play the maps and gametypes we'll be using during the tournament (No mods anymore, more on that further down). Reply to this post with your GT and we'll invite you.

What you could win!

These prizes were generously donated by 343i, and that's why we're not using modded content anymore.

We know it's not much, and many of you already have this stuff, but I don't think there's really anybody playing just for the prizes. If you already have whatever you win, you can at least sell the code.

Sign up if you haven't!

We're currently at 25/32 players signed up for the tournament. If we don't get the other 7 to join before March 3rd, we'll have to switch it to a 3v3 tourney. We don't want to do that, so please sign up!


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