
Fun! (Recruitment)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, March 21, 2014, 07:42 (3708 days ago) @ petetheduck

A short story:

Our first game was Last Titan Standing. In the first round, we dominated and as three of us rounded a corner towards the last surviving enemy titan, it ran off a cliff and committed suicide.

Odd, but it didn't stand a chance, so okay. Same thing happens in Flood in Halo all the time.

Next round, again, we were victorious. Saw another titan run off a cliff during combat.

Okay, these guys have to be doing this on purpose.

Third round, another victory for us. We're 3-0 at this point. As the next round gets ready to begin, we come up with a plan--we're all going to suicide at the beginning of the round and force the other team to win a around.

The round begins, we all start running off the cliff. As I die and watch my teammates similarly fall and explode, "VICTORY" appears on the screen. The entire other team committed suicide faster than we could.

Poor Bones, sitting on that cliff not knowing what the hell was going on.

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