
Post-Beta thoughts: how Destiny can reach its full potential (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 00:47 (3579 days ago) @ uberfoop

(Outside of large changes and paradigm shifts that would likely be completely unfeasible at this point.)

1. Improve Chat Accessibility

Prior to trying experiencing Destiny in the alpha and beta, if you had told me that players would have to form a party after being matched in order to chat in Bungie's big shared-world shooter, I would have responded that the chances of that were zero.

It is strange that, in this highly social and coop-focused shooter, there are more barriers than ever to voice communication. If some people demand an option to auto-mute others, I suppose that's alright, but the current situation has a crushing impact on Destiny's cooperate gameplay. Strikes and Crucible should support automatic team chat, and explore mode should support some kind of automatic proximity chat. To reduce confusion in explore mode, perhaps the game could show an icon on non-chat player's names to indicate the lack of communication.

Implementing automatic chatting options would elevate cooperation in Destiny to another level, it would help the world feel more alive, and it might give the Tower a greater sense of purpose.

I just so strongly disagree with you on this. Communicating with randoms has an almost guaranteed chance to be obnoxious. I can't imagine how stupid the tower would be with the nonsense randoms would say.

It feels social when you run into other people and wave at them before joining them in the fray. Waving, pointing, sitting, and dancing just about cover how I want to communicate with randoms.

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