
So, Co-op night last night.... (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 14:47 (3556 days ago) @ MrPadraig08

Was the most fun I've had on The Covenant in a long, long time.

It took Levi, brietzen and I 2 hours to finish it.

With obstacles such as:

  • Not knowing the controls after playing the beta
  • Getting glitched into a floaty no kill zone of the 2 scarab zone
  • Not being able to win due to sucking
  • Bouts of Lag
  • Multiple attempts to take out the scarabs in hilarious fashion
  • sucking

It was a blast. I'm glad I saved the film, but I don't know if I have the fortitude to go through 1 hour+ films with no rewind anymore. Thanks for the fun dudes.


We had fun, too, and had our own issues with forgetting which buttons did what. I exited a hornet mid-flight multiple times.

True fact: Back in the Bungie Pro days when the living was easy, it was a part-time job to go through the films for the write-ups during co-op night seasons. All day Saturday was basically reserved for battlefield reporting. Fun as hell, though.

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