
PAX Prime Meetup: 8:00 PM Saturday at Garage Billiards (Destiny)

by ncsuDuncan @, Thursday, August 28, 2014, 11:36 (3868 days ago)


The PAX Prime 2014 DBO Meetup

Bowling, billiards, beers, and Bungie fans. Order a burger if you like alliteration!

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM on Saturday, August 30th

1130 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122

We'll be in the Star Lounge area, which is a public space with a capacity of 300. Feel free to bring friends!

Please note: This venue is 21+ only. Sorry, motes of light won't help you at the door.



We have 6 bowling lanes and 3 billiards tables reserved in the Star Lounge area starting at 8:00. I've already covered the first hour of rental, but bring $4 for shoes if you want to bowl.

I plan to get there around 7:00 and grab dinner, so feel free to show up early if you want to share a meal. (Garage is just a short walk from the convention center; I'll be leaving from the Sheraton shortly after the "Maestros of Videogames" panel ends at 6:30.)

See you there!

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