
TCM RAID crew (Recruitment)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, September 02, 2014, 14:31 (3559 days ago)

I'm sad to say that Schooly D is getting Destiny on the Xbox, so we can't team up to create an ultra amazing raid crew.

That being said, if you are good, and you are on the PS4, I want YOU. Due to the supposed nature of the activity, this group will have to remain somewhat exclusive at first. It's going to be invite only the first few weeks, but if you are interested tell me about yourself, leave your PSN tag, and I might just reach out.

How exclusive it will be depends on how difficult the raid actually is :-p

After September 9th, we'll start forming the ultimate DBO raid team. As time moves on, it will open up so that everybody can get to try the raid if they haven't already.

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