
Alternate path across the chasm, or chest #6? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, October 31, 2014, 10:38 (3475 days ago) @ Korny

I've gone to this portal and explored the alt path. Here are my notes:

At the start of the jumping puzzle (when you can first see it), the entrance to the alt path tunnel is in the wall to your left, a little bit above you. It's kinda hard to see, but you can easily double jump to it.

Run through the path and the tunnel just ends. If you stand at the very edge of the tunnel and look down, there's a tiny rock outcropping you can see. Fall to this ledge.

Jump around the wall to the left. It's pretty easy to see where the next outcropping is each time. NOTE: One of the outcroppings is too steep and you will slide down it. You must be prepared to immediately jump again when you land on this one.

After a couple of jumps, you'll be close enough to a static (non-disappearing) platform in the middle of the chasm to jump to it.

From there, it's a series of 3 disappearing platforms to the entrance to Aetheon's lair. BUT:

One of the disappearing platforms is very close to the vex gate. From that platform you can easily reach it.

Also of note, from the vex gate you can jump down the rock it sits on until you could easily jump to the floor of the chasm. But when you hit a certain elevation, you will always die, so you can't actually explore the chasm floor.

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