
Safe and Reliable Is Always < Fun (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 17, 2014, 18:44 (3661 days ago) @ Leviathan

Why would you cheese (a word I'm still learning the definition of) when you could have fun? Letting the investment system alter the way you play is your choice, not Bungie's. All the loot and bounties, etc. are just incentives for me to go have fun.

Because, engaging with the investment system is tied to your ability to have fun. Go run the raid on hard without gear and tell me how much fun that is. I don't want an incentive to have fun: just let me have fun. The investment system is a hoop to jump through before you can have fun.

This is how I play the game.

1. "What should I do today?"
2. Go look at bounties, dailies, find something to do.
3. Go do that, usually get into some kind of hijinks or distracted by something else fun.
4. Turn in bounties and upgrade stuff if I can and go to sleep.

This is amusing, because the bounties are all unimaginative filler bullshit :-p

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