
Xursday December 5, 2014 (Destiny)

by ChaosSociety, Oregon, Friday, December 05, 2014, 01:21 (3766 days ago)

Alright Guardians, the time has come once again for our favorite Agent of the Nine to screw us over! Let's see what he's got this week, shall we?

Hunters - Young Ahamkara's Spine
Titans - Helm of Inmost Light
Warlocks - Light Beyond Nemesis
Weapon - Plan C
No engrams
Exotic Shards available instead for 7 Strange Coins

Telemetries -

Sparrow/Vehicle Upgrades -

Not bad, not the worst week he's had. A little disappointing to see Plan C two weeks in a row now, but at least it isn't Sunbreakers.

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