Thoughts on the Urn *Spoilers* (Destiny)

by HavokBlue, California, Friday, December 12, 2014, 04:14 (3446 days ago)

So you get the Urn from Xur, fill it up with a variety of bits and bobs from the Hive, kill Urzok the Hated, and then you get to run a new mission in the World's Grave area involving swords and waves of enemies in a circular room, as per usual. You fulfill Eris' weird eye fetish, and then she gives you...

Some gloves on par with the ones literally everyone has already purchased from the tower vendors?...

For those of you who have finished this, were your rewards different? How did you feel about the quest/bounty process? I thought it was pretty interesting, definitely more-so than your standard exotic bounty. I wish exotic bounties were treated like this, culminating in some sort of semi-relevant story mission.

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