
The Vault of Glass, a victim of Vex timey wimey influence (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 12, 2014, 10:37 (3433 days ago) @ dogcow

How about a Harder mode on VoG (Level 32)? I'd be fine if the Normal mode on VoG dropped 300 Attack power weapons, but Hard (or Harder) should drop the higher level loot.

This game has so many inconsistencies, which are the result of poorly thought out design. All exotic drops from here on out start at 302 attack… except those in the Vault of Glass. Because that would make getting the new exotics too easy.

Using consumables increases the amount of glimmer you get when you kill enemies… except in the Vault of Glass or a specific section of the Black Garden strike. Because that would make getting glimmer too easy.

The exp you get from bounties is the same as regular exp… except when it comes to the 'Earn 9000 exp without dying' bounty. Bounty exp doesn't count toward this. Because then getting that bounty would be too easy (just turn it in last with a string of others).

The classes special melees count as melee attacks… except the hunter throwing knife. Because then it's be too easy to kill cursed thrall with a melee attack.

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