
My guess on why it is hard to fix (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Thursday, December 18, 2014, 13:58 (3423 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I'm still not sure though why dying would have an effect. The only time things would need to be recalculated is when you fire a weapon, switch out weapons, ammo regen on icebreaker or invective takes effect, pick up ammo (or use a synth), or take off armor which gives you bonuses.

My guess is that your character, along with their gear, stats, and ammo, is reloaded/rebuilt each time you respawn. It probably does something like this:

1. Load base stats

2. Load abilities/class perks

3. Load equipped weapons (ammo amount probably gets set at this stage, based on whatever percentage of max you had before dying)

4. Load equipped armor

Probably the ammo perk doesn't get loaded until stage 4, and your max does get increased, but it doesn't necessarily scale your CURRENT amount up to that max (because if it did, people would get free extra ammo whenever they put that armor on). Because the actual ammo amount was already set in stage 3 and is now LESS than this new max, you have effectively "lost" ammo.

Maybe the same process occurs during cutscenes.

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