There certainly must be better options though, right? (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, December 29, 2014, 11:39 (3412 days ago) @ iconicbanana

The fact that there are websites which track k/d, win percentage, and more advanced combat rating would suggest bungie probably has a way to metrically monitor this. Why they don't implement something more along those lines is beyond me;

When discussing match making, people tend to forget two other criteria:
1. The ping or connection stability between players
2. The wait time

The pool of possible players effects this greatly. It seems more likely that you got the best match possible given the available players at that moment, and that Bungie's algorithm decided you wouldn't want to wait 30 minutes for a couple more high level players with good ping to load up the Crucible.

While I do get thrown so incredible unbalanced games at times, it's amazing how often any game can find 12 players that when divided out actually makes for a close game.

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