
Hand Cannon much? (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 09:33 (3399 days ago) @ Claude Errera

It looks like those two have the same impact, right? Can either/both of them compete with Hawkmoon/Thorn/TLW in crucible - two-shotting teh noobs?

I got the primed big sky as an iron banner drop yesterday, and accidentally went into a game after being in the tower (I had it equipped for bounty experience, forgot to switch back to TLW when I fired up Iron Banner) - it does a lot of damage, but its firing rate is so much slower that I thought my gun was broken or that there was lag or something. ;)

Don't have a Timur's Lash, but I'm guessing that Primed Big Sky will make a nice alternative to TLW when I'm prepared for the slower rate (and want a different exotic in MM). ;)

Yeah... compared to TLW, everything seems to have a slow rate of fire. :-)

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