
I use DestinyDB.com to recon weapon rolls... (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Saturday, January 17, 2015, 06:43 (3398 days ago) @ nico
edited by RC, Saturday, January 17, 2015, 06:51

I suggest DestinyDB.com to help you decide what rolls to look for. It'll show you what is possible on each weapon - as each one has slightly different groupings and possibilities.

Here is Efrideet's Spear.

I have a Void one with the 'Terrible Trifecta' of 'Spray and Play' (fast reloads when empty), Armour Piercing Rounds (Shoot through stuff) and 'Final Round' (extra damage on last round in mag).

The special thing about Efrideet's Spear and Final Round is that it's impact is so high, the final round is a one shot kill. Only a couple of other snipers in the game boast that ability. It's entirely possible to use it just for that and waste the first 2 rounds in your mag every time you reload.

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