Elder Scrolls + Blur = "TV" Episode. (Off-Topic)

by Earendil, Friday, January 23, 2015, 12:17 (3393 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

I had to point this out to you all because... *SO GOOD*.

Thanks for posting! I've never sat down with an Elder Scrolls game, but I had seen part one of this. I love stuff like this though :)

If the Destiny Warlock ever does ARC, it needs to be something like what is seen. SO GOOD. Also it ends as it should too.

As a Destiny warlock, which ability or scene are you hoping the warlock adopts?

If only Video Games had the ability to do anything they wanted without limitations of engines (and other stuff) like CG does, which only really has to think about render time...

They also have to think about things like game play, fun factor, and balance. Other forms of story telling can often implore far more powerful abilities or magic, because you can balance it by giving your protagonist things you can't give to a game player, namely psychological limitations of fear, love, ambivalence etc. Sure I'd love to be able to pick up a player in PvP and whip him around like a rag doll into his fellow team mates, causing them all to puff into green smoke. But between the screams of "OP!" and inhaling that nasty incandescent powder, I think I'll pass for something more simplistic and balanced in the name of fun :)

What I'd love is a power that does a lot of damage to a single target, with minor splash if any. Warlocks (all guardians?) have a good amount of crowd control, but nothing that is worth using against a boss. It would be nice to be able to use space magic to smoke a good percentage of a bosses HP (hell, I'd settle for being able to kill a wizard). In trade, you'd have a super that is useless if 20 thrall charge you. I'd be A-Okay if they incorporate the animation seen though, if the effect was different.

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