
DestinyRaider.net - Vault of Glass video gallery (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Sunday, January 25, 2015, 10:04 (3382 days ago)

Just wanted to let you all know about a handy little resource I've added to DestinyRaider.net.

I've created a video gallery page as part of the Vault of Glass guide. I have video clips of every encounter in the raid, most of them with multiple perspectives. There are clips for various strategies as well (fighting the oracles down low, sniping the oracles up top, etc). Some of the videos are unedited, some are cut together using several perspectives. None of the videos have any commentary; pure gameplay.

I'll be continuously adding to this page as well. So if you ever need gameplay footage for reference or anything else, you'll hopefully find what you need here.

If there is a specific view of a battle you want to see that I don't have included, please let me know and I'll get it added asap.

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