
How I feel playing Raids with DBO (Crota Smackdown) (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Sunday, January 25, 2015, 20:23 (3391 days ago) @ Earendil

I love you guys!

Joined the 360 Crota's End run this afternoon with my 30 Hunter. I think I was the only one who had done the whole raid, everyone else had done a few pieces here and there, but everyone else was 31.

Several hours later, we nailed it! Since everyone was new, we spent some time figuring out the mechanics for each of the encounters (as can be expected). We churned through the raid and had Crota down in 4 hours flat. The hardest part was getting the Crota/sword timing down, but once we got that figured out (and that Weapons of Light is a Good Thing™), things went pretty quickly.

The best part is that everyone kept a positive attitude and wanted to learn how the encounters worked. Cheesing wasn't even discussed. I felt bad being a 30 and offered to go grab my 32 Warlock at one point, but everyone said, "nah, I think we can do this." :) And we did!

Thanks, Louis Wu, nico, Ragashingo, Up North 65, and Robot Chickens. I had a blast!

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