cursed thrall explosion is cause of sword despawn? (Destiny)
"5. The sword disappears before I can grab it sometimes.
Credit to /u/oldpaperplate for this one. It IS a glitch, BUT it only happens if you let a cursed thrall explode on the sword. The obvious solution is to draw any cursed thrall away from the sword before grabbing it. If you're quick, you can also time a jump to land right on top of a sword that's near a cursed thrall and start holding X (square on PS4??) as you're about to land, then jump immediately after landing to carry the momentum. You should be able to grab the sword AND avoid the explosion if you do it right."
also, how to avoid boomer fire
This one is probably the least well-known and underutilized. When carrying the sword, DO NOT run straight to the left/right rock of the Crota platform. This will definitely draw Boomer fire and decrease your odds of success. Instead, run straight to the wall where the sword bearer originally spawns, and hug that wall on your way to the rock. If the sword bearer died very far to the left/right, then hug the wall underneath the Boomer tower on that side. The Boomers will NOT shoot at you if you do this properly.
Is the explosion "killing" the sword?? That'd be funny.
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also, how to avoid boomer fire
Why not just go through the middle jump? Is that jump really that high?
also, how to avoid boomer fire
I like to crouch and turn invisible before jumping up. The middle isn't as safe to crouch at, I don't think.
No. Not funny. Not funny at all.
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another boomer strat
have a titan stand inside his own bubble on the blue circle on the right side. the boomers will be preoccupied with shooting the titan, that they will ignore the guardian with the sword. if the titan needs to help downing crota, he can jump shoot rockets.
cursed thrall explosion is cause of sword despawn?
Lots of good tips in that thread. Thanks!
Just trolling with necrochasm
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also, how to avoid boomer fire
Go for an Escape Artist Blink Strike on a random Thrall. You can jump from the middle invisible, hit Crota, run to right rock, crouch-invis there, then go for Crota again. Extra protection :)
also, how to avoid boomer fire
Huh. I do the opposite. Crouch invis, hit crota twice (3 times if I get really good timing), drop sword, melee him to go invis again, pick up sword, hit him 3 times, run away.