
On Armour, Light-Levels and Uniqueness (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 06:12 (3394 days ago) @ Blue_Blazer_NZ

If each raid gave gear to the same level, then it wouldn't be much of an issue. You could have people wearing which ever raid set they like.

Transmog just hides the issue that there really is only one set of max level gear at any time, and the in game gear is really visually very similar anyway.

Rather then raising levels they should just make raid gear very specialized to each opponent with unique talents that help in raid and in PVE overall.

Of course people wouldn't be so hot to raid then, or would they???

Also, there should be a PVP version of raid gear that is equally specialized to PVP and crucible. With bonuses like more super after guardian kills and faster control cap time when taking damage.

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