
Share your favorite Legendary Rolls (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, February 09, 2015, 14:25 (3382 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Other than raids, the only Legendaries I've ever (remembered) rolled were Ascendancy. Which I didn't mind, but for chrissake, I need ENERGY. 71 shards and 4 keys.


Then again, my rep gains have usually gotten me something nice.

Stuff I got from The Cryptarch include:

B-Line Trauma
Proxima Centauri II
Deviant Gravity-A
I don't remember where I got the Light/Beware from, so I'll just say here.
Istanu-GNT Razor
Astrolord Robe

The only thing I ever got from Crucible that wasn't blue....was something I literally bought from Xur no more than seven minutes before.

Oh, and I got the Timebreaker for finishing a Raid last week--after like, 45 seconds of driving it, I realized I could not continue to use that vehicle, because it would permanently distract me into blowing up my vehicle every 10 seconds.

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