Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield (Destiny)
I am not a fan of Crucible, but decided to jump in last night and work on some crucible bounties. Turned out to be a pretty good time. I definitely prefer Control over the other game types and last night gave me one of my best Crucible moments and so of course I had to share.
Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
So, having never played a Hunter, does Golden Gun over penetrate all on its own? Or is that a function of the gun that gets applied to the super?
Nicely done though :)
Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
Keyhole is the modifier (not on the Golden Gun itself, one of the side modifiers), but he also has the modifier that lets them explode (that ones on the Golden Gun itself). This is usually what I save it for in PvP.
Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
Overpenetration is a perk you can use in your Gunslinger tree.
Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
I feel that guys pain. Ward of Dawn i feel is underpowered in comparison to supers. any other super except Radiance totally destroys it. But in reverse it doesnt do anything to them. Without worrying about other supers it is great though.
Unless you have lots of orb making bubbles...
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Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
He's not using overpenetration.
It takes two golden gun blasts to pop a shield. I honestly don't know if overpenetration will go through one or not, but if you watch his video, he just blasts the shield twice, then lines up a shot and hits the middle guy with his exploding GG shot, which kills all but one of the guys. When his pistol comes back, he one-shots the fourth dude.
It's impressive.
Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
Over penetration is possible, but I wasn't using it. I was using the Combustion perk though. Works a lot like Firefly. Quite nice for when enemies are bunched up.
Actually, about that Radiance...
I'm almost sure the Solar Grenade (as well as the Vortex) can damage people inside the bubble, so a Radiance-powered Sunsinger could spam the bubble all around and kill everyone inside, assuming Armor of Light isn't enough to keep them alive.
Firebolt grenades during radiance break bubbles.
I'm almost sure the Solar Grenade (as well as the Vortex) can damage people inside the bubble, so a Radiance-powered Sunsinger could spam the bubble all around and kill everyone inside, assuming Armor of Light isn't enough to keep them alive.
Firebolt grenades that target a player in the bubble will destroy the bubble during radiance. Don't remember how many. 2 or 3.
*single tear*
That's my favorite Sunsinger grenade. I was putting off using it because of Starfire Protocol and my Solar Grenade vs Ward of Dawn trick. Nevermore. Nevermore I say.
Actually, about that Radiance...
Well then.. proves my point even more.
Actually, about that Radiance...
See I don't think it's underpowered. It's all in how you use it (and yes Ward of Dawn does depend on how stupid the other team is). But using a Super to destroy a super is not underpowered. I can't remember how many times I have been golden gunned to stop my radiance or I use my titan smash to stop a blade dancer.
I say not under powered as Blessing of Light can be used smartly to shoot people, weapons of light and team can destroy, and if the other team is dumb, armor of light is a god send.
Actually, about that Radiance...
It definitely has it advantages. Its a great super. It is just very disappointing to pop it then get smashed by a titan and he gets the kill as well from outside the bubble. On the other side of the scope, it is very fun to smash someone elses bubble.
Actually, about that Radiance...
true, but that's because it's not offensive. I need to better understand how to generate bubbles with it, because I don't think kills from Weapons generate them
Well Done!
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Golden Gun vs Titan Bubble Shield
It certainly is impressive, and I wasn't stating for a fact he used overpenetration. I was answering Earendil's question.
There seemed to be two enemies in that bubble, so each grenade was hitting twice. Does that mean you'd need 6 grenades if there's only one enemy in there?
There seemed to be two enemies in that bubble, so each grenade was hitting twice. Does that mean you'd need 6 grenades if there's only one enemy in there?
I have no idea. I've done this myself once or twice, but if I recall, there were lots of enemies in the bubble. I recommend doing some research to determine for yourself. And bring a camcorder!
I think that grenade will hit up to 3 enemies (at least that's what I noticed in PvE). So it probably depends on if there are less than three enemies in the bubble.