
Xûr's Goodies (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, February 13, 2015, 01:18 (3697 days ago)

Screenshot for at-a-glance convenience!


CLASS ITEMS (All class items contain 30/36 Light)


WEAPON (331 Attack)

Ice Breaker (Sniper Rifle) [Solar] // 17sc


Exotic Shard // 7sc


UPGRADEABLE ITEMS (All upgradeable items require 1 Exotic Shard and 7000+ Glimmer.)



Scout Rifle, Hand Cannon, Fusion Rifle Telemetries // 1sc (Really useful when turning in bounties)
Plasma Drive (Blue) // 23sc
Emerald Drive (Green) // 23sc

Location: Hangar, Bottom Container

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