
Finding your ideal team, with math? (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, February 13, 2015, 23:54 (3383 days ago) @ BeardFade

Setting aside the fact that I'm not certain this is possible*, I am curious why we're using a K/D spread and not a K/D ratio? For example, 5 kills and 4 deaths is the same spread as 20 kills and 19 deaths, but the ratios aren't the same.

Also, there is something to be said about simply the quantitative value of kills and deaths when playing with another person. For example, my average Kills per Match might be 11 when I play with randoms, but 18 when I play with you (ckamp) or 7 when I play with iconicbanana. As you (ckamp) pointed out the other night, a good crucible player will actually absorb more of the available kills and thus my quantity of kills be lower. So, we also need to make an algorithm that gives some weight to the quantity of kills and deaths that cannot be measured solely with a spread or ratio.

I think this also requires some adjustments made for match type. For example, captures lead to increased points per kill. Average captures per match could be useful, though of more use would be how many zones and duration of holding did you get? Not sure how these would way in, but 2 people could be great control partners, but horrible clash partners.

Lastly, what considerations would we need to make in order to make this work for relationships greater than 2? How would we do this between 3-6 players?

*What I need to find out (and I simply haven't looked yet) is if there is a way to pull in info for individual matches. If Bungie keeps stats of matches, great! I was thinking perhaps the best way to do this query would be to pull in an object of player 1's games and then search through that object for games that Player 2 participated in. Seems like a simple way to reduce the amount of data the query needs to process. Might be more challenging as we add Players 3-6. Once we're able to get which games are played together, we then need to evaluate performance separately and apply maths to quantify the relationship.

Both bungie.net and destinytracker pull individual game data, so you could source from there. Although I personally find this data spurious, since it doesn't factor playing with ransoms versus playing with voice-enabled teammates, which matters.

And I'll be honest, I find this line of reasoning counterproductive. My mindset is to always excel in the role which my team requires; adapting to new challenges or teammates is part of what makes me a better player.

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